A small piece for social media capturing the creation of a giant freshwater crayfish. The puppet will highlight the plight of the Tarkine in Tasmania's Northwest.
The Barapa Barapa Cultural Heritage Documentary .
Funded by the North Central Catchment Management Authority this film follows a local group
of the Barapa Barapa people who have decided to map the local Gunbower forest to pinpoint
and document sites of cultural sighificance.
My Culture Your Culture.
This documentary focuses on 4 cultural events that happened in 2012.
Showreel / Editing/ Music Composition
Senior Editor for Everyday Gourmet Series 2 on Channel 10.
This Q&A production was created for Open Universities Australia. It was designed to answer the most often asked questions recieved by the OUA call centre.
Lead Editor
Songwriter - car stero wars
Open Universities Australia Promo
Lead Editor